Scottish Government Training

Scottish Government Online Training Modules

These continuous professional learning (CLP) online modules are aimed at everyone working with children in ELC – childminders, support workers, practitioners, lead practitioners and teachers. They have been commissioned by the Scottish Government and produced in partnership with the University of the West of Scotland and the Open University. To access a module you will need to create a free account with the relevant university.

Supporting Parents to Further Engage in their Child’s Development (login required)
This module is designed to inspire confidence, develop new ideas and to instil a fresh outlook on supporting parents to further engage in their child’s learning and development.

National STEM CPL Module (login required)
This module supports the development of skills, knowledge and confidence in delivering learning in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in the early years.

Understanding the Social Factors which may Impact on Children’s Outcomes in the Early Years (login required)
Learn how a range of social factors can impact on children’s health, wellbeing, development and behaviour and consider how you can support children and families affected by a range of social factors.

Supporting the Development and Progression of Children’s Early Language and Literacy (login required)
The module is designed to inspire confidence, develop new ideas and to instil a fresh outlook on early language and literacy development.

Identifying and supporting additional support needs in early learning and childcare
Whatever your level of experience you will find content in the module that will help you to reflect and develop your understanding of what you can do to get it right for every child in Scotland

Taken from: A summary of Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) resources – Education Scotland