Summative Assessment

This type of assessment is about capturing a snapshot of learning at agreed points in time against agreed moderated curriculum progressions or outcomes.  It is used to inform the next steps in learning, tracking and reporting to parents.

At Early Level:

  • This is carried out through observations and learning conversations with the child.
  • May be recorded on developmental milestones, literacy, maths and health and wellbeing trackers, etc.
  • Data collected informs future practice and improvements to achieve outcomes that meet the needs of the children and families.

As highlighted in Scottish Borders Council’s Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework, Summative Assessment:

  • “Captures snapshots of learning
  • Sometimes these are against agreed moderated curriculum progressions, e.g. trackers and benchmarks.”

(Learning, Teaching & Assessment Framework, Scottish Borders Council, p. 13)

Linked Areas of Practice


Learning Conversations


SBC Trackers & Developmental Overviews

Tracking, Monitoring & Assessment