Spaces – Indoors

 – Reflecting on Practice


QI 1.5 p21 – Management of resources to promote equity

Level 5 illustration

We effectively use the community and indoor and outdoor spaces to maximise high-quality learning.


QI 2.2 p27 – Curriculum

Challenge question

Are children regularly involved in evaluating their play experiences and can they describe what they are learning? What do we do with this information? What changes could we make to use this more effectively?


QI 2.3 p29 – Learning, Teaching and Assessment

Challenge question

How well are we enabling Children to become independent learners and develop the 4 capacities?

To what extent does our learning environment support different types of play?

Level 5 illustration

Children are highly motivated and fully engaged by the range of rich, challenging experiences and opportunities that are on offer both indoors and outdoors.


QI 2.4 p30 – Personalised support

Babies, toddlers and young children benefit from exploration and engagement with natural materials including daily encounters with nature and learning outdoors


QI 3.3 p46 – Developing creativity and skills for life and learning

Level 5 illustration

The learning environment, including the provision of open-ended and natural resources and the adaptability of space, encourage creativity. The structure and flexibility of the day also nurture creativity.

Challenge question

How well do our Indoor and Outdoor spaces support creativity, curiosity or inquiry?

How well are the natural materials and open-ended resources used to support sensory play, exploratory play and creativity?


QI 2.1 p37

The setting has been designed to empower children to actively experience play and learning challenges centred on their needs and interests.   Opportunities are well matched to the stages of development of children and promote fun, learning and independence.


There are safe, cosy spaces indoors and out where children can rest or sleep as needed.

Children benefit from social spaces that are designed around them. The layout enables children’s privacy to be respected.

The setting stimulates children’s natural curiosity, and they have fun as they develop their skills in understanding, thinking, investigation and problem solving.


The design of the setting enables children to be independent and make choices. Children are encouraged to take positive risks which support them to develop skills for life.

Children know that they are listened to and that their views matter. They have a key role in shaping the environment and their experiences.

Well-resourced play areas and experiences support and extend children’s learning in all areas. The extensive range of interesting materials, access to nature, tools and open-ended resources enable big scale and small world play. This engages children’s curiosity and challenges their thinking.


QI 2.1 p41

Challenge questions

How can we be confident that our setting maximises opportunities for children to be challenged, creative and engaged in their play and learning?

In what way does the design of our setting enable children to be independent and make choices, shaping their individual play and learning needs?

How effective are we at using current and national practice to effectively capture and extend children’s play and learning opportunities?


QI 2.2 p43

The setting is very comfortable, furnished to a very high standard and welcoming, with plenty of natural light and ventilation.

Spaces reflect children’s current interests and curiosities, with appropriate resources and materials to support learning.