QI 1.3 p21 – Play and Learning
Children’s opportunities for play and learning are enhanced through strong connections to their own and wider communities.
QI 2.1 p37 – Quality of the setting for play and Learning
Quality illustrations
Children can influence when they play outdoors every day and regularly explore a natural play and learning environment.
Staff understand the importance of outdoor play for children’s health and wellbeing, promoting sustainability and caring for the environment.
Staff recognise the right of all children to enjoy outdoor play.
Children are confident in exploring and developing their outdoor environment, supported by staff who actively support and encourage children in their endeavours.
Staff understand the positive impact rich, multisensory outdoor play and learning has on children’s resilience, health and wellbeing.
Children have uninterrupted time to become absorbed in their play and have fun
Positive approaches to the benefits of risky play underpin effective outdoor and physical play and learning experiences.
Opportunities are provided for children to learn about sustainability and caring for their natural environment
How do we know our setting provides a wide range of challenging outdoor play and learning experiences that support health and wellbeing across all spaces for children?
How do we ensure we are confident in promoting outdoor play experiences?
What approaches do we have to ensure children access and effectively use, develop and care for their natural environment?
QI 2.2 p43 – Children experience high quality facilities
Outdoor environments are sensitively structured and take account of all children’s stages of development and learning.