QI 1.5 p21
How well do we monitor the use and impact of available resources on children’s progress and development?
How well do we work together with children, parents/carers and partners to discuss and make appropriate resourcing decisions?
How effective are our resources in meeting the learning needs of all children and ensuring equity?
QI 2.2 p27
In what ways do we share the purpose of our curriculum framework with children, parents, practitioners and partners? What difference does this make to our practice?
What evidence do we have that our children are developing a positive attitude to learning?
Are children regularly involved in evaluating their play experiences and can they describe what they are learning? What do we do with this information? What changes could we make to use this more effectively? What do we do to encourage a child’s sense of belonging and increase their knowledge within their wider community?
QI 2.3 p29
How well do we motivate and engage all children? How can this be consistent for children every day?
How do we know that all children are making very good progress in their learning? What information do we already have and what do we still need to find out?
QI 2.4 p31
How well do we know our children, and their families? How do we use this knowledge to help children progress in their learning?
How do we know that all practitioners fully understand our approaches to personalised support? Do all practitioners consistently use effective support strategies? How do we know these are having a positive impact?
QI 3.1 p41
To what extent are the GIRFEC principles reflected in the work of our setting? What actions do we need to make to bring about further improvements?
How well do we use information about children’s wellbeing to support their care, learning and development?
How well do practitioners understand attachment theory and its impact on future development and learning?
What methods do we employ to ensure information is shared effectively about children’s wellbeing between parents/ carers and practitioners?
To what extent has creating an ethos and culture of inclusion and participation been successful in supporting children to make very good progress? How can this be strengthened?
QI 3.2 p44
In what ways do we ensure children are making progress across all aspects of their learning and development?
QI 3.3 p46
How well does our indoor and outdoor space support creativity, curiosity or inquiry?
How well are natural materials and open-ended resources used to support sensory play, exploratory play and creativity?
In what ways and to what extent do children make choices and decisions about their play and learning?