Risky Play

 – Reflecting on Practice

QI 1.5 p21

We effectively implement relevant health and safety legislation and use risk benefit procedures to remove or minimise any potential hazards.

Where appropriate, we support children to be actively involved in assessing relevant risks they may encounter during their learning and play.

How effective are our health and safety procedures, including appropriate use of risk assessment systems?

QI 2.1 p23
There are risk assessments in place within settings taking account of individual circumstances. Risk assessments are carried out and recorded appropriately including for all outings.

QI 3.3 p45
We use innovative approaches to encourage children to be inquisitive, imaginative and to take risks in their learning.

QI 3.3 p46
Children are enabled to take risks, learning in safe, secure and supportive environments where they are expected to make decisions and where their contributions are valued.


QI 2.1 p39

Positive approaches to the benefits of risky play underpin effective outdoor and physical play and learning experiences.

Staff have worked with parents to ensure that they understand the benefits of children enjoying riskier play 

Staff embrace a risk benefit approach and support children to safely engage in play to push their own boundaries and build self confidence 

p40 Link to social care standards

2.24 I make informed choices and decisions about the risks I take in my daily life and am encouraged to take positive risks which enhance the quality of my life