– Reflecting on Practice
Attachment is the quality of relationship from the child’s perspective. The early parent/child relationship is viewed as one of the most important factors in child development, especially with regard to how the brain develops and the development of emotional and social skills. The early attachment process can form the template for future relationships.
QI 3.1 p41
How well do practitioners understand attachment theory and its impact on future development and learning?
Education Scotland (links to HGIOELC)
QI 1.2
There is a programme of ongoing professional learning which promotes the understanding of attachment and child development and supports staff to reflect on where behaviour comes from and how it impacts on children and young people and their current functioning
Have opportunities been provided for nurturing approaches that involves attachment, child development and an overview of Nurturing Principles?
QI 1.2
There is an emphasis on the importance of connectedness and attachment for supporting children and young people but particularly those from impoverished backgrounds.
As well as professional learning opportunities on connectedness and attachment, are there opportunities to discuss this at staff meetings on a regular basis?
How well do staff recognise the role that they can play in supporting all children and young people with attachment type relationships and practice ‘selective attachment’ and ‘relative dependency’?
QI 1.3
The school/ELC setting has clear vision, values and aims which embed an understanding of attachment theory and reflects the importance of positive relationships.
Is the approach taken to support behaviour and child and young person’s participation congruent with attachment theory and positive relationships as outlined in a nurturing approach?
QI 2.1
Are key workers given appropriate training and support, for example, on attachment and attuning to children and young people’s needs?
QI 2.5
Provision is made to support families in an understanding of attachment and the key role that they have in supporting development, self-esteem, language and positive behaviour
Are there programmes or approaches available in the establishment that support families in understanding the importance of attachment?
QI 3.2
An understanding of attachment theory, stress and early trauma helps staff to focus appropriate support on those children who come from areas of disadvantage and may be experiencing difficulties. They are able to support their social, emotional, physical and cognitive needs well.
How well do staff understand and implement approaches that are effective in supporting attachment needs and trauma in order to help children to feel safe and secure?
To what extent has staff training and support focused on an understanding of attachment, early stress and trauma? To what extent are staff kept updated about the latest research and information around early stress and trauma and its impact on learners?
How well do staff understand that they play a key part in enhancing positive attachments with children in their care?
QI 3.2
An understanding of attachment theory and early trauma helps school staff to focus appropriate support on those children and young people who come from areas of disadvantage, and to raise their attainment.
How well do staff understand and implement approaches that are effective in supporting attachment needs and trauma in order to help children and young people to feel safe and secure in school?
To what extent has staff training and support focused on an understanding of attachment, early stress and trauma?
To what extent do staff understand the priority given to understanding early attachment and its relevance to attainment?
QI 4.1 p64
Links to the Health and Social Care Standards
I experience warmth, kindness and compassion in how I am supported and cared for, including physical comfort when appropriate for me and the person supporting and caring for me.
QI 4.1 p65
How do we ensure that all interactions are characterised by warmth, kindness and compassion?
QI 5.1 p66
It recognises the importance of new and existing attachments, connections and relationships between children, their friends and staff members and how they are supported wherever possible
Although attachment is significant throughout a child’s lifespan, the early attachment process can have a life-long impact on how children deal with change and uncertainty. According to O’Connor, the securely attached child is building up an image of themselves as someone who is ‘lovable and well-loved’ (2018:5)