
 – Reflecting on Practice


QI 2.3 p29

Features of highly effective practice

High quality observations take place naturally during everyday activities and interactions.

We use our knowledge of how children learn, for example schema, when making observations of children and as a basis for future planning.

Practitioners make sound judgements about children’s progress and respond quickly to ensure learning opportunities meet the needs of individuals

Challenge Questions

How do we know that all children are making very good progress in their learning? What information do we already have and what do we still need to find out?

How do we ensure that processes for planning, assessment and reporting are manageable and effective in improving learning and teaching?

How do we ensure that processes for tracking and monitoring are manageable and effective in improving learning and teaching?

How well do we support practitioners in undertaking their role in evaluating children’s progress?

How well does the information we gather about children’s progress inform our planning and improvement?

QI3.2 p44 – Securing Children’s Progress

Features of highly effective practice

Information on every child is showing almost all children are making very good progress in literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing as appropriate to their developmental stage

Practitioners make confident judgements about children’s progress and this is shared and agreed through appropriate discussions


QI 2.2 p35

How well do our approaches to profiling develop children’s and young people’s awareness of themselves as learners and support them to recognise the skills for learning, life and work they are developing to inform the planning of future learning?

QI 2.3 p36

Level 5 illustration

We use skilled questioning and engagement to promote curiosity, independence and confidence and to regularly enable higher-order thinking skills in all learners.

We observe learners closely to inform appropriate and well-timed interventions and future learning.

We use feedback effectively to inform and support progress in learning.


Challenge Questions

How well do we apply the principles of planning, observation, assessment, recording and reporting as an integral feature of learning and teaching?

How well do we make use of a range of valid, reliable and relevant assessment tools and approaches to support the improvement of children and young people’s learning?

How well do we record, analyse and use assessment information to identify development needs for individual learners and specific groups?

QI 1.3 p21

Children are empowered to be fully involved in their play and learning through the skilled interactions and actions of staff


High quality observations and skilled interactions promote children’s creativity and curiosity. Effective use of questioning extends children’s thinking, widens their skills, and consolidates their learning through play.

Through careful observations and effective assessment of information, progress and achievements are recognised and enhanced. Any additional supports are identified, planned for, and implemented.


QI 3.2 p53

Children actively lead their play and learning.


Conversations and observations with children are used to implement support and plan effectively for their play and learning needs.