2.3 A child’s right to outdoor play The Care Inspectorate is committed to promoting and improving the quality of outdoor play for children in line with key national policy and guidance which set out national expectations. The most relevant are Getting it Right for Every Child (2008)(7), Curriculum for Excellence 3-18 (2008)(8), National Care Standards: Early Education and Childcare up to the Age of 16 (2009)(9), the Play Strategy for Scotland: Our Vision (2013)(10), the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014(11) and the National Building the Ambition: National Practice Guidance on Early Learning and Childcare(12).
There is a wide range of early-years services that provide very different models and experiences for children and childcare for their parents. Services care for different age ranges of children and have a variety of opening times as well as being part and full-year provision during the day and during the year. While we acknowledge that every setting is individual, as a minimum we expect children and young people of all ages to experience:
- routine access to a stimulating outdoor play area including daily opportunities to spend time outdoors and, if children attend full-time, part of their day should be spent outdoors
- freedom of choice to move between the indoor and outdoor environments, whenever practicable
- the opportunity to explore the natural environment
- access to a range of high-quality outdoor play and learning opportunities throughout the year
- resources to support learning and development