Additional support needs – Scottish Book Trust
ADHD – Providing support to adults and children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Scotland, and their parents, carers and families
Clinical information on developmental language disorder (DLD) | RCSLT
ENQUIRE – The Scottish advice service for additional support for learning
Education Scotland:
- Communication Passports – Practice exemplars (National Improvement Hub)
- Dyscalculia – Learning resources (National Improvement Hub)
- Dyslexia and Inclusive Practice: Professional Learning Resource (National Improvement Hub)
- Embedding inclusion, equity and empowerment | What we do | Education Scotland
- The Informed level of the Pupil Support Staff Professional Learning Framework (Education Scotland Improvement Hub) – to help staff working with children and young people in having an understanding of the Scottish rights and relationship based inclusive approaches for all learners.
- Restorative approaches – Social and emotional factors – Specific support needs – Additional support (Parent Zone)
- What are Additional Support Needs? (Parent Zone)
Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)
GIRFEC National Practice Model
GIRFEC wellbeing resources (SHANARRI)
Research & Professional Reading suggestions – Autism Toolbox
SAMH for Scotland’s Mental health
Support for your child – ENABLE Scotland – We believe that children who have a learning disability deserve the same opportunities in life as every child. We offer a wide range of support to help make this happen