Key Guidance – Scottish Government (for more information visit: The Scottish Government) Documents (& websites below) Blueprint 2020 National Standard Principles and Practice The Blueprint for 2020: The expansion of Early Learning and Childcare in Scotland. Operating Guidance Blueprint 202 quality action plan Early Learning and Childcare National Guidance Children’s rights legislation in Scotland: A quick reference guide The foundation of GIRFEC wellbeing indicators Going Out There Guide on the Presumption to provide education in a mainstream setting Child Protection National Guidance Delivering Excellence and Equity in Scottish Education Health and Social Care Standards Early Years Framework ELC impacts of the COVID pandemic on young children Achieving Excellence and Equity 2023 additional support for learning the right help at the right time in the right place included engaged and involved part 1 included engaged and involved part 2 supporting children’s learning: statutory guidance The Promise Parental Involvement Act Safer Sleep for Babies National Induction Resource- Nov 2023 Voice of the Infant Supporting Healthy Smiles Websites The Scottish Government website The Promise – home