Formative Assessment

This type of assessment occurs continuously, as practitioners continually assess how to support and challenge the child.  It is how practitioners make learning clear and understood. 

At Early Level:

  • This is carried out through observations and learning conversations with the child.
  • Practitioners interact sensitively.
  • Practitioners are responsive, making changes to their approach, provision and planning, as needed.

A young child’s voice is interpreted by our observations of their actions, emotions and words. These observations are central to assessment and inform us what children need.”

(Realising the Ambition, Education Scotland, 2020, p. 46)

Assessment is integral to our planning of learning and teaching. We use a variety of assessment approaches to allow learners to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding, skills, attributes and capabilities in different contexts across the curriculum.”

(How Good is Our School 4th edition, Education Scotland, 2015, p. 20)