English as an Additional Language (EAL)

 – Reflecting on Practice


QI 2.5 p33 – Family learning

Practitioners work to support children and families and are responsive to family circumstances such as, at the risk of disadvantage, poverty, families affected by imprisonment, English as an additional language or mental health issues.

We understand how young children develop early language skills and mathematical thinking.

QI 3.2 p43 – Securing Children’s Progress

Our successful use of real-life and imaginary contexts support children effectively to develop their early language and mathematics skills very well.


QI 1.3 p19 – Play and learning

Play experiences develop skills in language, literacy and numeracy.


What approaches are we using to promote children’s developing language, numeracy and literacy skills?

QI 3.1 p26 – Quality assurance and improvement are led well

2.9 (Health and Social Care Standards)

I receive and understand information and advice in a format or language that is right for me.

QI 3.2 p48 – Leadership of Play and Learning

Children believe in their own potential and have fun in freely chosen and extended play experiences that develop skills in language, literacy and numeracy.



The importance of communication and language development for all aspects of children’s lives cannot be overstated. Communication underlies our ability to manage behaviour and emotions, by expressing what we need or using language to regulate how we feel. Language is also much more than words. It is understanding and using patterns and cues for interaction, sequencing thoughts and ideas, and making stories that help us understand what is happening, and what is next.


I need you to be an adult who responds sensitively to my family culture and home language.


I need practitioners who are observant of gestures and body language and asking themselves ‘what does the baby or young child need from me?


How well are we developing children’s language and literacy?

How well are we engaging all families in their children’s learning?