QI 1.1 p15
How do we know personal plans are having a positive impact on children’s nurture, care and support?
QI 1.3 p24
How well do we support and encourage children’s natural curiosity in our setting?
What approaches are we using to promote children’s developing language, numeracy and literacy skills?
QI 1.5 p35
How well do we ensure that transitions are child-centred, sensitively planned and implemented?
How do we measure the positive difference our transition process is making to children and their families?
QI 2.1 p41
How can we be confident that our setting maximises opportunities for children to be challenged, creative and engaged in their play and learning?
In what way does the design of our setting enable children to be independent and make choices, shaping their individual play and learning needs?
How effective are we at using current and national practice to effectively capture and extend children’s play and learning opportunities?
How do we know our setting provides a wide range of challenging outdoor play and learning experiences that support health and wellbeing across all spaces for children?
How do we ensure we are confident in promoting outdoor play experiences? What approaches do we have to ensure children access and effectively use, develop and care for their natural environment?
QI 3.2 p56
How do we support staff to understand and provide high quality learning experiences for all of our children?
How do we ensure staff knowledge, skills and creativity are having a positive impact on children’s progress?
QI 3.3 p59
How do we ensure resources are wide ranging and support individual play and learning needs of all our children? How do we know that staff have the appropriate knowledge and skills to support children to be the best that they can be?
QI 4.1 p65
How do we ensure that all interactions are characterised by warmth, kindness and compassion?