Tag Archives: numeracy

Numeracy through singing


This lesson idea uses singing to support numeracy in Early Years settings.  You can download them as backing tracks to play in your setting or use the video’s on iPads and Smartboards.

There are three songs counting to Five and one counting to Ten. Whilst singing might not be possible due to current restrictions the songs can still be played and the videos watched to reinforce learning.

Here are two of the videos and the other versions of the song can be viewed on our YMI Borders YouTube Channel Early Years playlist


MP3 Tracks 


Vocal – Ten Little Raindrops

Learning Resources

To download files right click on the links and then select either:

    • Save Target As’ (PC)
    • ‘Download Linked File’ (Mac)



Mp3 Backing tracks


Five Little Acorns backing

Five Little Acorns vocal


Five Little Seeds backing

Five Little Seeds vocal

On the YMI Resource Page you can find songsheets, MP3 tracks and worksheets for all our Blog posts. 


For teacher and school staff with access to GLOW more Early Years information and all the files can be downloaded from our YMI Making Music team pages and from our YMI Sharepoint.  Use the code wjimn8l to join the team if you are not already a member.