
BE HEARD is an overarching approach to teaching and learning. Working in partnership with employers, cultural sectors and creative industries, it aims to develop the skills that will be needed to thrive in the 21st century.

Young people are facing a future that is uncertain and challenging and they need skills that can help them to successfully negotiate a positive place in a fast changing world. Traditionally, schools focus on subject knowledge but subject knowledge can be limiting and can date quickly. Skills Development Scotland promotes meta-skills as a way to better prepare young people for their futures. These skills include understanding self and others, resilience, research techniques, creativity, idea generation, curiosity, critical thinking, innovation, confident risk taking, entrepreneurship, digital literacy and sense making. The EDUKIT link of this website contains some of the teaching resources used at Kelso High School to practice meta-skills. 

The World Economic Forum outlines future trends in jobs and highlights the essential role of educators in developing the teaching and learning experience so that it enables young people to practice and develop of these meta-skills.