Primary 4/5

Highlights Gallery



In literacy we are focusing on creating exciting imaginative stories. We will learn about a variety of writing techniques, such as building suspense to keep our readers hooked on the story. By improving our sentence structure and punctuation, we will create fantastic stories!

We will also be improving our reading skills through Giglets and challenging ourselves with new weekly spelling words.



In maths we are building our competence in numeracy. This is through daily Number Talks and completing short, focused tasks using addition, subtraction, division and multiplication skills. We are learning how to use concrete materials to support our thinking when solving problems.



In Religious Education, we have been exploring the lives of saints and Mary as the mother of God. We will also be learning about Pilgrimage and the story of Lourdes.


Health and Wellbeing

We begin each day with a ‘soft start’, where we discuss the day ahead and complete our daily affirmation. This also allows us to address anything with our class teacher if required. In Health and Wellbeing we are also focusing on friendship, as we believe this will help to continue a happy and friendly classroom environment. We enjoy our PE sessions with Mr Crookston as these keep us fit and active.