It is essential we equip our learners with the knowledge and skills required to be able to explore, play and communicate online in a safe, secure and responsible manner. We can’t always protect them when they are online and therefore we need to give them the skills to be resilient and know what to do if they see/experience anything that they find upsetting, inappropriate or illegal.
The National Technologies Community – Digital Literacy website provides a wide range of professional learning information and resources as well as a number of learning and teaching resources.
The CEOP ThinkUKnow website provides learners, teachers and parents/carers with a wide range of resources to empower our children and young people to be able to identify the risks they may face online and know where they can go for support.
The BBC Own IT website is full of fun and empowering tips, insight, stories and advice to help 9-12 year olds get the most out of their time online. Help them develop the confidence and resilience they need to tackle the everyday challenges they face online.
The Childnet website has information, resources and activities for learners, teachers and parents/carers.
Anomaly UK provide a playlist of video clips covering a wide range of e-safety topics.