Making Thinking Visible – Virtual Training March

Eight South Ayrshire Making Thinking Visible Ambassadors delivered four Introductory support sessions using Microsoft Teams to approximately 75 staff each week in March 2021 over Tuesday and Wednesday twilight sessions.

Feedback from participants was extremely positive with many requesting additional training opportunities to learn more about MTV.

“Thank you to all involved, this course was really helpful and I have loved using the routines so far in the classroom!”

“I thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity to learn about MTV thinking routines. It has opened my eyes to a different way of teaching”

“Such a useful set of Support Sessions which has given me much to build on in my practice.”

“Thank you all very much. I thoroughly enjoyed your inputs and found it all to be really clearly communicated, concisely put and enjoyable to be a part of. I’m so glad I decided to sign up!”


The South Ayrshire MTV Ambassadors hope to run further training for staff in the near future. Keep an eye on the CLPL events emails and @SACMTV on Twitter for information.