Parent council


The Parent Council aims to support the work of the school by representing the views of parents to the school and the local council. We organise social and fundraising events, promote contact between all parents and the rest of the school community, and discuss issues of interest to the parents of children at the school. We are also involved in the appointment of senior staff.

Elections were held at the AGM in September 2022 and the office bearers for the year 2022/23 is as follows:

Ashley Smith / Andrew Thorne  (Joint Chair)

Claire Louise Kelly (Vice-Chair)

Laura McCulloch (Treasurer)

The next meeting will be held in the school   – Tuesday  7th March 2023 at 7.00pm.
Everyone is welcome!


Please click on a date below to view minutes of Parent Council meetings.

KPC Minutes 07.09.20

KPS AGM Minutes 11.01.21



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