Growth Mindset

We are promoting Growth Mindsets to help our pupils realise their full potential. In today’s lesson we had fun thinking about “What makes a great teacher?” I thought I’d share some of the characteristics and behaviours the pupils thought they like in a teacher:

“Not be too strict but make sure the work gets done, make sure there’s no conflict, boost self-esteem, encouraging, helps people, understanding, firm but fair, good sense of humour, always happy, cheerful, funny and kind, bubbly, trustworthy, growth mindset, allows everyone to have their say, don’t have a teacher’s pet, set a good example, don’t compare one person to another, not biased, not violent, don’t say rude stuff, don’t swear, a role model.”   🙂

Exciting Investigations

Thanks to the keen young scientists who have been bringing in their investigations to share with us.

We’re having fun learning from each other and we look forward to more interesting discoveries this week.