
P5 Allotment Adventures Begin!

Written by Mabel and Fraser

A few weeks ago we phoned Morrisons to ask for seeds, we put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear.   They offered to give us vouchers.  We used them to buy seeds to plant onions, potatoes and herbs.

On Wednesday we made our way to the allotment for the very first time.  It was raining on the way there!

When we arrived  Jack, Paul, Taylor and Ethan went in to the greenhouse to plant peas while the rest of us went to plant seeds with Dorothy, Liz and Sandra.



We were split into groups, some were cleaning out the equipment store, others were planting in the beds that had already been prepared last week.

Some of us helped Liz (Paul’s Gran)  dig up more plots ready for planting after Easter.

We found so many insects underground and enjoyed picking them up for a closer look – we made sure to put them back! Soon the time came for us to go back to school. Before we went in we had to stamp all the mud off our feet and take our wellies off.   It was a fun day!

Written by Mabel and Fraser