Welcome to our Primary 5 Class Blog


Welcome to our Primary 5 Class Blog.

Read on to find out about the fantastic things we have been doing in class, and also find some information about up and coming events.

Our IDL focus this term will be the Scottish Wars of Independence and in particular we will be looking at Robert the


Bruce. We have begun this by looking at a time line and had great fun laying out dates in the main corridor.


In Science we will be looking at Charles Darwin and his influences.




Our maths topics will begin with Function Machines, Measure, and Bodmas. We will also be continuing with a focus on mental agility using the Big Maths Programme.

We were very lucky to have a visit from Ross Mckenzie an award winning author,who won the Blue PeterĀ  book prize.

HeĀ  read some extracts from his books ,and told us about his magical book where he could write anything and it would turn into a room.This book was called the Nowere Emporium.Ross asked us to write down a couple of paragraphs about what we would put in the magical book of wonders. This was great fun.

In Expressive arts we will be looking at Modern Art and in particular the use of line. We will be studying the work of Picasso, LichtensteinĀ  andĀ Charles Rennie Mackintosh.