Rights Respecting Schools Award
At Glenburn, our pupils, staff, parents, carers and visitors endeavor to be Rights Respecting.
We have achieved our Bronze Award and are currently working towards our Silver Award.
We have a RRSA Pupil Group led by Miss Penman and Miss Rowan with pupils from P4-7 who have a great interest in ensuring that not only is there an awareness of RRSA across the school but we are active in incorporating children’s rights into our daily life at school and curriculum.
The UNICEF Award ensures that children’s rights are embedded in the ethos, policies and practice in school.
Our RRSA are spreading the word about the ABCDE of rights

Class Charters

At the beginning of a school session every class makes a decision on their class charter. The charter is specific to the class and what they believe life in their class should be like throughout the year.

Class charter example
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