Welcome to Primary 2!
We are so happy to be back together again after being apart for so long!
This term we are focusing on double number addition and pattern with Miss Lee. We have consolidated our colour and shape patterns through fun and engaging activities! We are now focusing on number patterns by counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In Literacy we are focusing on our writing through ‘Talk for Writing’. Miss Lee and P2 have been focusing on retelling the story of The Three Little Pigs! So far, we have created actions to retell the story and started our storymaps! Keep your eyes peeled for photos and videos of our story. We have had Play Based learning opportunities in the open area to support with our story of The Three Little Pigs. We had lots of fun creating our own houses using the block play area.
“This is the chimney and the wolf can’t get up here on my house because it’s too high!”- Angus