P2 have got lots of amazing learning opportunities in Term 3, here is what we are learning about!
Category Archives: Primary 2
P2 Learning Leaflet – Term 2
P2 have been doing lots of learning in term 2, here are some of the things we have been looking at!
P2 Learning Leaflet – Term 1
Here are all the fun things P2 have been learning about in Term 1.
Play Based Learning
Primary 2 are always finding new and creative ways to play – we had so much fun with the space themed activities in the open area
We also built a shop in the construction area, and worked on our money skills by finding the correct change for our customers in the bakery.
Annual Parental Survey 2020-21
Please can you complete the survey for parents/carers by clicking on the appropriate link below. (Early Years Centre or Primary)
This will help us to celebrate our successes and reflect on any areas where we need to improve. We would really appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete the survey so that we capture the views of the majority of our parents/carers.
***Survey to be completed by Friday 21st May***
The link for your parent survey is
STEM Week – Bouncing Bubbles
Primary 2 had a ball making some very special bubbles today as part of our STEM week We talked about different liquids and how they might react together, then made our own bubble mixture with some flyer one to test what happens when we add in a new ingredient to a traditional bubble mix. Our bubbles were much stronger and we were able to bounce them and have lots of fun – this was our favourite part so far!
STEM Week – Build a bridge 
Primary 2 are a fantastic bunch of problem solving engineers As part of our STEM week, we learned about the role of a civil engineer, and focused on the building of bridges. We learned all about what makes bridges so strong, and thought about how we might be able to make our own with some resources in the classroom. We worked in teams and used only paper, straws and lollipop sticks to build a paper bridge strong enough to hold a toy car.
We worked as a team and came up with some super solutions!
STEM week – PBL experiments
P2 were super scientists during open area time today – we learned all about magnets and explored magnetic and non magnetic materials. We also had lots of fun mixing some potions and finding out what substances reacted with each other
Play Based Learning – 25th March
Primary 2 yet again had a super time in the open area! There were lot’s of fun activities to take part in; we put on a puppet show to practise our T4W tale, had some quiet time in the reading corner and made and delivered some very yummy pizza’s!
Play Based Learning – Monday 22nd March
We had lots of fun in the open area, and had lots of different experiences!
We imaged what type of cottage Poppy from ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’ might live in, and we built it in the construction area. We also put on a puppet show and tired to re-tell our story. We had to change some the characters to match the puppets, but we came up with a super new version! We also used some fruit to practise halves and quarters (and just have fun as a sensory tray ).