Category Archives: EYC
Class Halloween Walk Photos!
The EYC had a fantastic time on the sponsored walk today! Check out all these amazing costumes
. Happy Halloween!
Belleisle Outdoor Learning Trips
We have planned an outdoor learning programme with the EYC and Primary 1, which links with our current topics. We will be visiting Belleisle Park in Ayr and exploring the environment, looking for signs of Autumn. This is a great opportunity for our pre-school children to work alongside P1 as part of their ongoing Early level transition.
The children have been organised into mixed year groups, and will be accompanied by members of staff. We have hired the Community minibus, which Susan will be driving. The mini-bus will leave the school at 9.30am returning at 2.40pm. All children will require to wear a face covering on the bus. We have some face coverings which can be provided if children do not have their own one.
Please note that not all children will be going this coming Monday. Please check the letter which was sent to see the date which your child’s group will be going on this trip.
Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather e.g. jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, wellies with warm socks. We will provide a small snack and the kitchen staff will also provide a packed lunch which we will have at Belleisle. Please do not send any additional food or drinks.
Thank you!
EYC September Newsletter
Please see our September Newsletter attached below. Lots of important information and dates for the upcoming term!
Have a lovely long weekend everyone!
Fun in the EYC
Within literacy, we have been using the active board and playdough to create a recognisable person. We have also been enjoying lots of stories in our reading corner and outdoors!
We have enjoyed using the pegs to touch count and challenged ourselves to match numbers to the objects. Bethany used the pegs to make a tower taller than herself!
In our EYC we love to celebrate the boys and girls achievements! Well done to Emily for receiving her certificate in Maths this week!
We are responsive to the interests of the children and this term we have collated many of their ideas.
“I like worms, my papa uses them when we go fishing” -Grayson
We have been looking for worms outside and focusing on animal habitats! Lots of learning and fun happening in the EYC this term and we can’t wait to share more with you all.
Snack Menu
Snack Menu for the week ahead.
EYC Care Plan Appointment Dates
EYC are looking forward to catching up with our parents and carers to set targets for the term ahead. See the letter below for more information on the dates/ times for these appointments.