All posts by sa99lmair@glow

Primary 1 Term 3

Primary 1 started this Term  by working very hard and our topic was based on Scots’ language. We learned the poem The Dinosaur which was written by a former teacher at Gardenrose, Mrs L Griffiths!

We learned some Scots’ songs like Ye Cannae Shove Yer Granny Aff A  Bus, Three Craw and Ally Bally. We also learned some Scots’vocabulary and  we have completed artwork with a Scottish theme. Mrs Thomson taught us some Scottish dances and we have been enjoying using puppets from Scottish stories.

In Literacy we have  been reinforcing our sounds and have begun to blend sounds together through simple words. Our first Talk for Writing topic is The Gingerbread Man and then we will be looking at a non- fiction topic with Mrs Thomson up until Easter. We are continuing with letter formation and in writing we are learning  to use some new tools e.g. punctuation and finger spaces.

In Numeracy we have begun to tell the time and we are also learning  about subtraction. Later in Term 3 we will look at Money and Fractions as well as daily Number Talks and mental maths skills.

On alternate Thursdays we go to Forest School with Miss Grater and we are learning about areas of science such a plants and seeds.

Our next topic is called How Things Work which will involve learning about forces such as floating, sinking, pushing and pulling.

Towards Easter we will learn about the Easter story and we have started a mini topic about Caring to tie in with Children’s Mental Wellbeing week.

Overall, we are very busy in Primary 1 at Gardenrose!