P3 Home Learning Week Beginning 18.1.21

Hello Team P3,

A huge well done to you all for such an amazing start to term 3 last week. You are all absolute super stars and are doing such a fantastic job with your home learning. I have LOVED seeing all the brilliant work you have completed. It makes me so proud!

This week I will upload daily tasks for literacy, numeracy and one other curricular area to SeeSaw and our Team’s page to ensure you have all the resources, links and files you need for each day.

It is my hope that this makes it more manageable for all, as you will be aware of my expectations for each day, you have all the resources you need and I can also easily keep track of the work you are completing each day.

Have a great week!

Miss McNeillie

Weekly overview:
P3 Home Learning Weekly Overview wb 18.1.21

Suggested Daily Timetable:
This is a suggested timetable of how you could structure each day. However, you can complete tasks in any order that suits you.
Suggested Daily Timetable – P3

Monday 18th January:
Monday 18th January 2021

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