Busy Bees with Miss Lee

The term as flown by and we have been very busy on a Wednesday with Miss Lee!


We have been focusing on measure this term in P2. We have measuring the length and height of objects using a ruler in centimetres and as well as metre sticks to measure in metres. P2 can now convert metres in to centimetres…WOW!

We have had fun finding  active ways to learn how to measure, take a look at what we have been up to in our pictures below.

We have been focusing on our number bonds through daily tens with Miss Lee. We have used concrete materials such as cubes to support our learning and we have now moved on to our blueprint boards which we love using in class!


On a Tuesday afternoon, we focus on our HWB. This term we are learning about the importance of kindness, coinciding with Anti Bulling Week. We have participated in a series of lessons to support this, including my favourite; the crumpled heart.

The message I want the pupils to take from this term is-

‘IN A WORLD WHERE YOU CAN BE ANYTHING, BE KIND!’ I know in my heart that my P2s are fabulous friends to one another!

Outdoor Learning

The rain didn’t stop P2 having lots of fun on our outdoor learning session with Ryan from Active Schools at the end of November! The boys and girls looked after Miss Lee as she is not a fan of the rain!



It’s that time of year again at Gardenrose! This year it is very different as we would be rehearsing for our spectacular Nativity, however due to COVID it will just have to wait until next year. Miss Lee does love her Nativity, but don’t worry I still have my sassy angels and rogue sheep to entertain me in class! We have been busy making very special Christmas cards for you to enjoy and we are learning ‘Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer’ in Makaton throughout the festive period.

P2 would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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