Category Archives: P3/4

The Great Halloween Hunt

The sports council at Colmonell Primary School have organised the “great Halloween hunt” to help keep our community active over the October holidays. This “hunt” is designed as a family activity however can be completed as an individual. The hunt begins at the school where you will discover a set of riddles; solve each riddle to take you to a new location and find a letter that will help you create a Halloween themed word or phrase.


When completing this activity please do not touch or move any clues. If you see another group or person at a riddle / letter please maintain the recommended social distance and perhaps allow them to move on before approaching. We hope you have as much fun doing this as we did organising it!

Colmonell Sports Council


Colmonell Staff Guess the Baby Photo Quiz 👶📷

Morning all!
Here is a little something you keep you kids, your parents and families busy this week! 😊
Have a go at trying to guess who these little cuties are.
Send your answers to Miss McAllister at 😊 and we’ll see who can manage them all. Answers will be posted next Monday so you have all week! 🔎
These are CURRENT staff although someone may be off on maternity leave…
Also, bonus point if you can name who is NOT in it! 🌟
Have fun!! 😁
Miss M  ❤️