Summer Reading Challenge

Summer Reading Challenge 25th June to 20th August 📚📚📚

Get ready for the Gadgeteers arriving online and in your local library this summer. Join the Gadgeteers for the Summer Reading Challenge to discover the amazing science and innovation behind the world around you.  The Summer Reading Challenge is aimed at Primary School children and is free to join.


Ü Sign up at your local library, get a collector’s poster and start reading to become a Gadgeteer.  Children keep a record of their reading on their poster and collect stickers to complete it. They get a small reward for every 2 books read. Visit and create a profile to access fun and games.

Parent Involvement and Engagement Survey

The Parental Involvement and Engagement survey will close soon and we are keen to get as many responses from parents across the authority as possible.

The survey will give parents/carers the chance to reflect on the involvement and engagement they are experiencing at the moment and what they would like to see in the future.

Responses will help us plan for next steps in parental engagement, opportunities and programmes. The survey is for parents and carers of children and young people who are accessing primary, secondary and/or special education.

Link to the survey is here:- Parental Involvement and Engagement Census (PIE) 2021/22 (


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