As Head Teacher of Barrhill Primary and Early Years Class I am delighted to welcome you to our website.
Our school is a vibrant place where we are happy, respected, cared for, friendly and work hard to learn together for today and the future. I believe that Barrhill Primary School and Early Years Class offers all of its children an excellent education that is full of challenge, interest and fun. Children are encouraged to build their self-confidence, to develop self-reliance, to take risks without fear of failure and to make informed decisions about their own learning.
We offer a child-centred education and work closely with parents, partners and our local community to deliver the very best for our children. There are many, regular, opportunities for parents to share in their child’s learning and we operate an open door policy in school. Enjoy browsing through our website and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or comments.
Paula Murphy
Head Teacher