Click HERE for Ayr Academy Accelerated Reader login page.



Accelerated Reader is a computer-based programme that encourages pupils to read books at an appropriate level and then challenges them with quizzes to test their understanding of the literature.

Pupils will undertake at least three “Star Tests” throughout the year to establish reading ranges and monitor progress.  After each test, pupils will be given a reading range as opposed to a mark and this will enable them to select appropriate books according to their ability.  As a general guide, pupils should select books at the lower end of their range and, if they do well in the quizzes they can progress through this range. However, pupils are not restricted to this and we would encourage them to read as much as possible.  Both fiction and non-fiction books are included in the Accelerated Reader section of the library.

Monitoring Your Child’s Progress

We encourage parents and guardians to take an active interest in both their child’s reading and their progress using Accelerated Reader. Reading for pleasure is the single greatest indicator of a child’s future success. You are able to monitor your child’s progress using the Home Connect feature of the programme. Every parent is sent a letter with your child’s login details at the beginning of the year. If you need this information provided again, please contact the school library.

Click this link for Home Connect portal