Number hunt – something to continue during Easter break

This is the last post as we stop for Easter break.

All the staff are missing the children  and families and are thinking of you all at this time. Please take care and remember boys and girls, to help around the home, just as you all do in our early learning class.


If you go out on your daily walk, why not enjoy a number hunt…

On the first day, how many 0’s can you find?  Then work your way up the number line. This is something that can be adapted to suit all age groups. You could record how many you see when you get home. What number had the highest count? What was the lowest?

Please re-visit our previous posts – visit favourites or try out some that you haven’t experienced yet.

Take photos and send them to our facebook page – all the staff love to see what you are doing.

Singing hands

Here is something a bit different for you all to learn – Sign Share/Makaton. There are lots of clips available and a great tool for you and your child to learn and develop your skills.

We were beginning to learn this in ELCC before we stopped. Why not record your child/children/family and share with us on our Facebook page. This would be lovely for us all to share and celebrate achievements.  You have all the holidays to ‘give it a go’!

Please search Williamsburgh Primary School on Facebook.

Happy signing……………………..Have fun, we miss you all – the ELCC team.x

Chopping vegetables

The children have been taking lots of interest in chopping the real vegetables and bread. They are learning to chop and slice. This aids the development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

They are using some of the knives which are specially designed for children to use in food preparation.

Look at us – we are all very busy in these photographs!

Imagination zone

The children have all been very busy using their imagination and learning how to use the new equipment and resources. We have purchased new resources for the children to experience and use in their play. Here is Leah talking us through the steps to making a cup of tea;

“First you need a kettle, it has hot water in it so be careful. Then you need a tea pot and you put the tea bag in the tea pot. Do you want milk or sugar? – cause i like that in my tea mummy makes. Then you pour it into a cup like this, remember it’s hot.”

If anyone has an old kettle they would be happy to donate to us, this would be another good resource for the children to use in their play.



Any musical family members?

As the children have all been very busy singing and preforming to music using our smart board we had an idea that it would be an amazing experience for the children to see and hear some live music.

Is there anybody in your family that plays an instrument? please let Nicola know if they would be interested in coming in to play for the children.

Also if there are any instruments at home that you would be happy to donate to us this would be fantastic. We are also looking for old microphones that are possibly not being used.  The children love to role play with these props.

Thank you


Creating monsters

Following on from discussions about monsters and Hallowe’en, the children decided to create their own monsters using potato mashers.

Lots of laughing and giggling as the children looked at the different creations of monsters from the colours mixing together, the amount of googly eyes as well as the differences in how many arms and legs they have.

E “He can’t walk with one leg.”

K “Mash, mash look at this one it’s black and purple.”

S “I like the one with holes in it. She will have 3 eyes.”

N “It’s like supertato.”

L “This is great fun. Can I have 2 eyes and another eye for my one?”

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