Oh, what a quick few days it has been! The boys and girls have been super busy since starting back after Summer holidays! We were all very eager and excited to play with our nursery toys, we all missed them so much! The boys and girls came back to the nursery with big happy smiles on their faces and with lots of holiday stories to share with their friends! We have been chatting about going on holiday abroad, being on a plane, playing in our gardens and visiting local parks! We couldn’t wait to hear all of your exciting Summer memories!
When we came back to nursery, we couldn’t wait to get busy with our nursery friends! There have been a lot of chats about dogs – how many legs they have, what different breeds look like, what baby dogs are called. Some of the children even brought in their dog toys to show everyone!
G: “My dog is called Boxy.”
J: “My doggy is called Spotty, he’s a dalmantian.”
O: “My dog is called Ruby and she’s got a long lead.”
J: “Dogs like to eat bones and play fetch, don’t they?”
The boys and girls have been playing together very well, sharing ideas and inviting each other into their play. There have been a lot of dinosaur play around as well as making horses and even ghosts!
We are so happy to have you back in our class and can’t wait to continue great experiences you all want to learn about!
R: “I went to Malta on holiday. Malta has got lots of boats.”
O: “I went to the caravan and slept in my own bed.”
J: “I’m going to play dinosaurs with K, he’s my best friend.”
C: “It’s a little wet outside, but I’m going to go and play anyway.”