All posts by Mrs Balmer

It’s been a while….

Hi Folks, Sorry it’s been so long.  Christmas is a distant memory and Spring is now upon us. We’ve been very busy this term. The class and I are loving learning lots and lots about the Titanic and we are working very hard to make our class look super for the Open Afternoon in April.

We are lucky to have Miss McAndrew back with us for a few weeks. The class have been practising their gymnastics skills and we have been trying out some new Active Spelling tasks.

Perfecting our curvy spines for flawless forward rolls.
Plasticine Words
Scrabble Adding
Make, Break n Mix
Stretchy Spelling
Forward rolls


We are continuing our WW1 topic this term and are all learning lots and just yesterday enjoyed a trip to the Paisley Arts Centre to see The Man Who Follwed His Legs ( and kept on walking). It was very well done and I’m sure the class will agree that it gave all a better idea of how harsh life in the trenches was, not to mention how noisy it was!!

Term 1 Topic

We have started our World War One topic and we’re looking forward to learning about life in the trenches and how different Scotland was 100 years ago during war time.

A very kind gentleman from Historic Newspapers is sending us some interesting reading material. You could maybe do some of your own research:

BBC Schools website also has some super information too.