Category Archives: Glow Boot Camp

Margaret Puddleduck


Funny, loving, caring, social,

Wife of Gary Puddleduck, Mother of Sophie & Declan Puddleduck,

Who loved her husband and enjoys being with her Family,

Who loves helping people, enjoys teaching and is scared of losing family,

Who fears that she will lose her husband, fears that if she won’t work hard she will lose everything, fears that the world will end,

Who helped to stop Global Warming,

Lives in Puddleduck Village









Leila Bio Post


Fun, loving, interesting, rebel

Mother of two

Who loved the sun and freedom

She wanted to open a cupcake and coffee shop in Manhattan  

Clowns, oceans and boats

Being a mother of 2 and graduating university

She has always wanted to go to London, run a marathon, and always be caring to others 
