Category Archives: Life Of Primary 7

P7 At The Bield

Yesterday Thursday 22nd primary 7  went to the Bield some of us done rock climbing and others done sports and drama.

At drama we made up machine dances, we used machine music and found a partner to join our dances to make a even bigger machine, after that we joined on with two other people to make a massive machine then we went to sports.

At spots we played a few games of tig then we played white murder then squish .

At rock climbing we were in two groups we had to help each other climb the wall some people got stuck and were just hanging on there harness . One person was making a smile with the rope and someone was lifting the rope up then down , moved there hands up the rope we had a few turns at climbing we had about 2 hours we left at 1:30 and came back at 3:00

By Lisa and Amy

Halloween acrostic poem

Halloween is just around the corner

And there will be lots of scary costumes

Lots of children going gysing

Lots of sweets

Outstanding decorations

Weather in the fall is so cold on Halloween night

Every Halloween the houses are scary

Every house has lots of scary pumpkins on there front door

Now we carve pumpkins because they are plentiful bigger and much easier to carve Happy Halloween