Category Archives: Information

P1 Nursery Rhyme Week

Primary 1c had a fantastic time taking part in Nursery Rhyme Week. The week began with a mysterious crime scene involving Humpty Dumpty! As well as solving the crime, we learned and shared a variety of rhymes and took part in lots of exciting activities.


On Friday 3rd November we were learning about Bonfire night. We discussed Guy Fawkes and  why we have fire works. We also discussed how to keep safe .

We made fantastic fireworks from junk and lovely fireworks pictures using string!

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Children in Need

On Friday 17 November the  Assessment and Development Class will be joining the school to support Children in Need. Friday will be a non uniform day. This year’s theme is “Spotacular” so children can wear spotty clothing  or maybe some spotty face paint.  We will be collecting donations by having a “chuck it in the bucket” as well as lots of fun activities.

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The Three Little Pigs

Week beginning 13th ~November

Assessment and Development Class

This week we are doing lots of learning through the story of The Three Little Pigs.

Image result for the three little pigs story

Some of the activities we will be doing are;

  • listening to and talking about the story
  • listening to and joining in the song
  • taking turns and remembering where the cards are to make a pair
  • using playdough to complete activities
  • making a house out of construction resources
  • decorating the pig’s houses
  • taking turns during the bingo game
  • listening to instructions to colour a picture

Today we used Duplo, Stickle bricks and wooden brick to make a house for the three pigs. The best bit was pretending to be the Big Bad Wolf and huffing and puffing and trying to blow the houses down!

Look at all our hard work!

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Children in Need

On Friday 17 November we will be supporting Children in Need by having a non uniform day, this year’s theme is “Spotacular” so you could wear spotty clothing if you have any or maybe some spotty face paint.

We hope everyone will bring money as we will have a “chuck it in the bucket” for donations to Children in Need. We will also be having a mini talent show for all the pupils to enjoy.

Thank you

Libbi and Hannah
Newton House Captains

Bring and Buy Sale

Time to clear out your cupboards for Christmas! P2 are planning to hold a Bring and Buy Sale in the school hall on Wednesday 29 November.  So please take time to clear out your unwanted toys, DVDs, CDs, books etc.  All donations of items in good condition will be welcome.

Children should bring their donations to school from Monday 6 November. All monies raised through this enterprise will support activities in school.

Rag Bag Recycling

Do you have any unwanted clothing cluttering up your wardrobes? If so please help us to raise funds for our school by filling the Rag Bag and return to school on Thursday 16th November 2017 (We can only accept Rag Bags on the morning of this day.)

Any unwanted wearable clothing, all fashions, all ages, paired shoes, handbags and belts are welcome.

Children will be rewarded with 10 Eco house points.

Thank you in advance for supporting this event.

Halloween Activities

Yesterday the children in the Assessment & Development Class and both Language Unit classes made Halloween cat cakes! We had to listen carefully to follow all the instructions!

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The Assessment and Development Class also made a spooky skeleton picture! Look at our fantastic work.

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Happy Hallowe’en

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Today we joined with the primary one and two classes for the Halloween Costume Parade! We all looked fantastic!

When we returned to class we carved a scary, spooky, pumpkin! We all enjoyed dooking for apples! Some of us were brave enough to put our face in the water!! We had a fantastic party with lots of dancing, musical chairs, pass the spooky pumpkin and ate lots of sweeties!

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