Category Archives: Information

Primary 1 and Primary 7 Buddying

The primary 7s have been looking after their buddy’s since they started school in August. The primary 7s monitor too and the primary 1s love when they monitor. The primary 1s adore their buddy’s and the primary 7s adore them too.

Recently the primary 7s  went down to the primary 1s to help them with their fabulous new book bags for the read write count. The Primary 7s paired up with their buddy and read to them.  It was really fun.



Daily mile

Primary 7 have been doing a daily mile on a Monday and Wednesday. They have been walking around St Mary’s and Maxwellton Park twice. The primary 7 teachers have been taking them. They are doing this to improve their fitness. Both classes begin the walk after they’ve registered and ordered lunches. They always have a smile on their face when they go walking. Everybody likes to walk, talk plus keep fit and active.

Children in Need Talent Show – 17th November

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On Friday 17th November,  P7 Newton House Captains – Libby and Hannah – collected chuck it in a bucket money from each class to raise money for Children in Need.

Everyone enjoyed participating in our non-uniform day and we had a great afternoon watching all of the fantastic talent show performances!

Well done to all of the acts who participated and a big thanks to Mr Johnston for leading the school with some great Zumba dances and to P7 for a selection of dances including YMCA and Aga Doo!

So far we have raised £437 (and counting!) Thank you to everyone for your support.

P7 Website Group


Hi we are the P7 school website group. Our names are Lauren, Jemma, David, Cameron, Iskren and Abigail .

We are going to be looking round the school to see what different topics classes are doing and keeping you up to date with what’s happening in school.

This is the West-Primary School website, check here for regular updates in our school such as holidays, events, and topics in our classes.


P5a Weaving at Paisley Museum

P5a had a great time at Paisley Museum learning all about weaving. We were shown different fibers and materials. We created our own weaving pattern which will be put together to create a large Paisley pattern picture. Thanks to the staff at the Museum for being so helpful and enthusiastic.

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P1b Nursery Rhyme Week!

Primary 1b had a fantastic time taking part in Nursery Rhyme Week. The week began with a mysterious crime scene involving Humpty Dumpty. As well as solving the crime, we learned and shared a variety of rhymes and took part in lots of exciting activities!

P1a Nursery Rhyme Week

Primary 1a had a fantastic time taking part in Nursery Rhyme Week. The week began with a mysterious crime scene involving Humpty Dumpty. As well as solving the crime, we learned and shared a variety of rhymes and took part in lots of exciting activities.