All posts by Mr Carson

Fun at the Christmas Fayre!

Thank you to everyone who came along to our Christmas Fayre. It was great to see the hall bustling with pupils, parents and friends. The stalls did a roaring trade and Santa was kept busy speaking to lots of boys and girls about their Christmas presents!

Weekly Diary 28/11 – 2/12

Week 3 on Dinner Menu

Monday, 28 November

P3 & P4 Minecraft Club (3pm-4pm)

Tuesday, 29 November

P2b visit to Scotland Street Museum (am)
P2c visit to Scotland Street Museum (pm)
“Skype-athon” (3pm-5pm)

Wednesday, 30 November

St Andrew’s Day Holiday (school closed)

Thursday, 01 December

School Christmas Fair (5.30pm-7.30pm)

Friday, 02 December

Nursery Coffee Morning (9.30am-10am)

P5 Visit to Vikingar

P5 had a great time visiting Vikingar in Largs. The visit helped to reinforce our understanding about Vikings which we have been learning about recently. We learned so much on our trip it would be too much to type! Have a look at our pictures below…

P5 visit P3 for the Read, Write and Count Launch

Primaries 3 and 5 had a great afternoon opening their Read, Write and Count bags. They read ‘Gigantosauras’ together, designed their own dinosaurs and had lots of fun playing games of snap and adding.

“This is great fun!” Christian and Matthew

“Creating the dinosaur was fun!” Rebecca and Taylor

“It was fun being a buddy” Caleb

“I really enjoyed playing games with the Primary 5s” Logan

Results of our Pupil Questionnaire

Dear Pupil

We asked you to complete this questionnaire in June. Here are your thoughts and feelings about school. Most of the results were positive. The largest percentage of ‘No’s’ regarded bullying within school and how teachers dealt with this.

As a result of this concern I will discuss this further with the pupil council and we will focus on these issues during Health and Wellbeing topics and school assemblies. I have shown your teachers the results and they are keen that you are confident that bullying will be dealt with and taken very seriously.

We hope that you know how well you are doing by the comments on your jotter and with chatting to your teacher. Your parents have also had a chat with your teacher recently and it’s good to share this information at home.

We do take an interest in your life in and out of school. Don’t forget to let me know about any outside achievements that we can celebrate together at assembly.

Almost all of you were positive about school and that’s great. We want West Primary School to be a place that you feel safe and happy. We also want you to be interested in learning and to experience support and challenge when needed.

Don’t forget our aims and values:

Educational    Supportive   Caring    Friendly   Inclusive

 All About Me Yes Sometimes No
I am happy at school. 60% 36% 4%
I enjoy learning at school.  69% 30% 1%
The work I do in class is just right for me. 63% 32% 5%
I feel safe and cared for in school.  68% 25% 6%
Our School Yes Sometimes No
I think West is a good school. 72% 24% 4%
My class is a fun and exciting place to learn. 67% 27% 5%
The adults in the school take an interest in the things I do. 63% 29% 8%
I am spoken to nicely by the adults in school. 77% 19% 4%
The Staff Yes Sometimes No
Staff let me know how well I am doing. 62% 29% 9%
Staff encourage me to do the best I can. 74% 18% 8%
Staff make sure that pupils behave well. 68% 27% 5%
Staff are good at dealing with bullying behaviour. 61% 28% 14%