All posts by Mr Carson

Photographer in school

On Monday 27th and Tuesday 28th March the photographer from Tempest is coming to the school to take photographs for all the Primary classes.  P1 and P7 will have class, individual and family photographs taken and P2 – P6 will have individual and family photographs taken. If you would like a family photograph please send a letter to your older child’s class teacher.

I would ask that the children wear a white shirt and school tie on these days if at all possible.

Weekly Diary 27/3 – 31/3

Week 4 on dinner menu

Monday, 27 March

Tempest Photography in school today
Donations of small Easter eggs to be brought today

Tuesday, 28 March

Tempest Photography in school today
P7 at Castlehead HS for Sky Sports Event
Dance Club P5 (lunchtime)
Language Unit ‘Drop in’ for parents (3pm – 5pm)

Wednesday, 29 March

Termly House Reward
No Basketball club
Parents’ Evening (6.30pm – 8.30pm)

Thursday, 30 March                               

Parents’ Evening (3.30pm – 5.30pm)

Friday, 31 March

P2 EID celebration
Easter Service
School closes at 2.30pm

Reading Cafe Success!

We have come to the end of another block of our Reading Café. The boys and girls in P3 and P4 with their siblings have enjoyed the combination of reading and cooking. They have especially enjoyed inviting an adult along to share this experience with them.

Lockerbie Blog – Day 5


Well our final day in Lockerbie has arrived, all bags are ‘packed’ (you’ll see what I mean when you open up the cases later today 🙈) and the children are out on their final set of activities.

We had a chat last night about their favourite activities and instructors and it seems like everyone has found something they’ve loved plus new experiences gained. We would like to thank the staff of Lockerbie Manor for looking after all of us so well and making this week a very enjoyable experience.

I doubt we’ll be able to blog much after this update. We hope to be back in Paisley by 3.30pm and, if you wish, you can check with the school for an update after 3pm on 0141 889 5350.

Lockerbie Blog – Day 4


There was quite a few sleepy heads this morning when we woke everyone up and there wasn’t one person awake before our 7.15am alarm call! Sadly our luck has ran out with the weather and it’s rather grey and drizzly outside. We have groups out fencing, on the blind trail and low ropes this morning.


All groups have had a busy and fun morning around the Manor. We’ve just finished our lunch and are waiting for our 3rd activity of the day to start at 1.50pm. This afternoon we have groups participating in archery, fencing and Manor Olympics (Tokyo 2020 watch out!).


You’ll be pleased to hear that the weather dried out later this afternoon for the Manor Olympics. Plenty of games were played with a little bit of drama thrown in and who’d of thought our pupils were quite the budding actors!

The disco is currently in full swing and parents will be happy that the carefully packed disco clothes have made it this far and everyone is looking great and ready to enjoy themselves. 💃


After some interesting moves and plenty of singing an excited bunch of P7s have arrived back upstairs for a nice ‘calming’ game of bingo! Miss Gibson is impressing everyone with her bingo calling knowledge and we are inventing a few new calls of our own!

It’ll be an early start for everyone tomorrow morning as bags need to be packed, rooms tidied and beds stripped. Here’s hoping when heads hit pillows tonight everyone will drift off straight away…💤


Lockerbie Blog – Day 3


Everyone had a good sleep last night and there was definitely less chatting after lights out!

We had another delicious breakfast and our first activity of the day is a hill walk. Thankfully it’s looking like another dry day which always helps!


After a couple of hours of exploring the hills of Lockerbie and seeing nature at work, everyone was ready for their lunch! We’ve had a whole range of activities this afternoon: raft building, obstacle course, blind trail, climbing and fencing!


Another very busy day is almost drawing to a close and there’s a few more tired faces tonight! Each group had another set of activities  – high ropes, obstacle course and crate stacking. I’m afraid that for some of our parents their washing machines will be busy on Friday night! 🙈

We’re currently finishing off the day with a special Lockerbie beetle drive called ‘Lockerbie: Clothes for the Climber’ so dice are being thrown frantically to get a winner!

Lockerbie Blog – Day 2


Everyone was tucked up in bed last night by 10.30pm despite a couple of ‘chatty’ rooms!

We were up bright and early at 7am for our breakfast at 7.45am. There was lots of choice from a full cooked breakfast to cereal and fruit. You’ll be pleased to hear the room inspections this morning went very well so no excuses for untidy bedrooms at home after this week!

Everyone is getting plenty of layers on for our first set of wet activities: canoeing, kayaking and raft building. We’ll get some pictures for our next update.


It’s a beautiful day here in Lockerbie with the sun shining as the children take part in their activities on the water. They’ve had their first session which ended with some much needed hot juice and a biscuit to keep them going.


After our morning activities we had a hearty lunch of baked potatoes with various fillings and tomato soup. The weather has continued to be kind to us though the wind has been picking up a bit.

The groups have been on various activities this afternoon such as zip wire, low ropes, archery and raft building. It seems from the comments of the children as we go round the site that everyone is having a great time and trying activities they thought they would never do!


There was plenty of hungry P7s for this evening’s meal where we had the choice of steak pie, chicken kiev or pasta. All finished off with some delicious jam roly poly and custard 😋

Our final activities of the day were high ropes, crate stacking and abseiling. Doing the activities at night time adds another element to the whole experience.

We always finish the night with a quiz or game. Last night we had a music quiz and tonight we’re playing a version of ‘Stop the Bus’ with word Lockerbie.

Lockerbie Blog – Day 1


We have arrived safely, settled into our rooms and the children are out on their first activity called Wide Games (sounds interesting!). The weather is dry and surpringly mild! Dinner tonight is at 5.45pm.


The children are out on their evening activities: high ropes, crate stacking and zip wire. We had a delicious dinner where we had the choice of cottage pie, chicken tikka and mushroom stroganoff. All finished off with ice cream 😋.


Weekly Diary 13/3 – 17/3

Week 2 on dinner menu

Monday, 13 March

P7 away to Lockerbie Manor
Archery Club competition (4pm – 6pm)

Tuesday, 14 March

P5 Dance Club (lunchtime)

Wednesday, 15 March

Basketball Club (3pm – 4pm)
Reading Cafe (3.15pm – 4pm)

Thursday, 16 March

Netball Club (3pm – 4pm)

Friday, 17 March

P7 Return From Lockerbie (3.30pm approx)
Hockey Club P6 & P7 (3pm – 4pm)

P7 Photographer

On Tuesday 21 March a photographer from the Homework Diary Company will be coming into school to take individual and group photographs.

These pictures are not available for purchase as they will appear in this year’s P7 Yearbook which has been funded by FOTW. Children should wear a white shirt and school tie for these photographs.