All posts by Mr Carson

Easter Egg Donations

It has become a tradition in our school at Easter time for children to bring an Easter Egg to school on the day we close for Easter. These eggs are then distributed by Co-operative Funeral Care to less fortunate children in our area.  We hope to continue this and I ask that each child bring a small Easter Egg in for our Easter Service on 24 March 2016.

Week Beginning 21st March – Dinner Menu Week 3

Dinner Menu Weeks 3 & 4

Monday 21st March

Girls Football Festival at Castlehead HS (4-6pm)

Tuesday 22nd March

P7 Basketball Club (3-4pm)
P3&4 Arts and Crafts Club (3-4pm)

Netball Festival at Paisley Grammar (4-6pm)

Wednesday 23rd March

Basketball Festival at Castlehead HS (4-6pm)

Thursday 24th March

Donations of small Easter eggs would be most welcome which will be given to Co-operative Funeral Care to distribute.

Friday 25th March


Make Up Artist Visit

During World of Work Week, Primary 1 had a visit from Beth who works as a make up artist. She talked about the skills she needs to do her job and she showed the pupils come of the equipment she uses. Beth has sent in a few pictures of her fantastic work!


P5 Netball

Primary 5 have been learning to play netball over the past few months with Miss Loughlin and today they had a fun competition to put all their skills into practise. Many goals were scored by all the teams and there are definitely some netball stars of the future in Primary 5!

P1 Outdoor Learning

Mrs Wiszniewski’s maths group went outside today in the playground to do some of their maths work. They were learning about number bonds and were practising how to form their numbers correctly. It looks like they had a great time!

Mothers’ Day Competition Winners!

Congratulations to the 4 winners who won our Mothers’ Day competition. The Co-Op Funeralcare kindly donated the lovely prizes of flowers and chocolates. There was a winner from every class who earned themselves 20 house points.

Well done everyone for taking part.