All posts by Mr Carson

Week Diary 21/11-25/11

Week 2 on dinner menu

Monday, 21 November

P5 Lunchtime Multisport Club
Minecraft Club (3pm-4pm)

Tuesday, 22 November

P7 Curling Trip

Wednesday, 23 November

P2 Cinema Trip (am)
P5 Lunchtime Multisport Club
CHS Boys Football (4pm-5.45pm)

Thursday, 24 November

P2a to Scotland Street Museum (am)

Friday, 25 November

Bring a bottle for Christmas Fayre Tombola
P5 Vikingar Trip
P2 & P3 Parent Visit – Scottish Book Week (2.30pm-3pm)

P2 and P3 Parents’ Reading Session

We would like to invite parents/guardians to a Reading Session on Friday 25 November as part of Book Week Scotland. During this week there will be a big focus on reading in school and the children in Primary 2 and Primary 3 will be gifted with a READ, WRITE and COUNT pack.

The aim of this pack is to give parents ideas and materials to use to support their children’s learning outside the classroom. At this session, we hope to share the pack and more ideas regarding reading.

The children will be introduced to the pack by older children within the school and will have a chance to read the books and play the games before taking them home.

We look forward to seeing you on Friday 25 November at 2.30pm.

P2 Visit to Scotland Street Museum

Primary 2 will be visiting Scotland Street Museum to take part in their toy workshop.

They will visit on the following days:

Primary 2a – 24th November (am)
Primary 2b – 29th November (am)
Primary 2c – 29th November (pm)

We will be looking for parent helpers for the trip so please let the school know if you can help.

P3 Singing at Brewers Fayre

Primary 3 will be singing Christmas songs at the Brewers Fayre in Linwood. Primaries 3a and 3b on Thursday 8th December and Primary 3c on Friday 9th December. We shall be singing between approximately 12noon and 1.30pm on both dates.

Lunch will be provided for the children. Could you please send them to school in a shirt and tie on this day and they may also wear a Santa hat or some tinsel for singing.  We would be delighted if you could join us to hear the children sing.


P1 Visit Paisley Library

P1 had a great time visiting the Paisley Library. They went along to receive their Book Bug Bags and to listen to stories from the shortlist of the Scottish Book Trust Awards. A very busy visit indeed!


Weekly Diary 14/11-18/11

Week 1 on the dinner menu

Monday, 14 November

P5 Multisport Club (lunchtime)

Tuesday, 15 November

Childsmile –  fluoride varnish programme P1-4
P3 Cinema Trip Showcase (am)
P7a Community Safety Talk (pm)
P7b Community Safety Talk (pm)

Thursday, 17 November

P2 Bring & Buy Sale
P1 & LU Cinema Visit Odeon Braehead (am)

Friday, 18 November

P5 Cinema Visit Paisley Showcase (am)


Results from our Parents’ Evening Questionnaire

Results from the Parents’ Night Questionnaire March 2016

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree not disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The school building is attractive and welcoming. 14 51 10 12 2
The school building is well maintained. 15 46 13 15 0
The playground provides good opportunities for play. 24 56 7 2 0
The playground is well maintained. 18 60 8 3 0

 What would you most like to see improve inside the school building?


Cladding / exterior finish

Refurbishment ////////////

Made wind and water tight windows//

Ceilings walls resurfaced painted/////

P6/7 changing rooms//

Pupil Toilets upgraded ///////////////

Cooking kitchen///

What improvements would you like to see made to the playground?

More grassy areas//////

Thicker mats under monkey bars

More play areas/equipment//////////

More activities / groups///

More benches for sitting / eating together///

More litter bins

Ground surface upgraded/drainage/////

Recycling bins

More room to run around

Improve look of stumps left over from clear out

MUGA/sports equipment///

Garden area/plants///

Bike sheds


P2 Bring & Buy Sale

Time to clear out your cupboards for Christmas!  P2 are planning to hold a Bring and Buy Sale in the school hall in November.  So please take time to clear out your unwanted toys, DVDs, CDs, books etc.  All donations of items in good condition will be welcome.

Children should bring their donations to school from Monday 31 October.  All monies raised through this enterprise will support our behaviour incentives.  Please start gathering together your donations now!