Social Media Posts

Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Twitter etc.

We have been alerted by parents to concerning inappropriate use of social media. Parents who have contacted the school about issues that their children have encountered using social media have been recommended to contact the Police and the sites about their concerns.

I would recommend that you monitor carefully what your child is writing on any social media sites or messages that are being sent from phones.

Having seen some of the messages the primary seven staff and I are concerned to see:

  • Frequent swearing and inappropriate language
  • Screen shots of private messages shared within groups
  • Sustained negative comments directed at specific pupils, some of which constitute as bullying
  • Individual pupils being singled out and criticised in front of their peer group

While these messages have been sent out within the school day, the impact of these has caused considerable upset and anxiety for a number of our primary 7 pupils. As a result we have had to provide support to some pupils who have experienced significant stress and upset.

We have had input from the police on internet safety and responsible use of social media. We need to remind children to treat each other with respect and kindness both in person and online.

Should you be interested in exploring responsible online behaviour further with your child, including strategies for when they experience inappropriate use of social media sites or messaging apps, the NSPCC website has some information and resources.

Yours sincerely

Jacqueline Carberry

Depute Head teacher