Medicines and School Dinner Payments

Medicines at School

We have been reviewing our practice regarding the administering of medicine at school.

In line with Renfrewshire Council policy, we will continue to hold inhalers for Asthma sufferers and other medication that is ongoing and allows a child to come to school.

We will no longer administer “over the counter medication” such as Calpol, Ibuprofen or Piriton. We will no longer administer Penicillin or Antibiotics and advice is that doses should be timed around the school day.

Any medicines held in school must be supported by a consent form.
If you have any questions about this change in policy please contact the school.

Payment for school meals

The setting up of a breakfast club in the school brings with it some changes to payments for school meals.

Parents may pay for school meals at the school office as usual. Please ensure that your payments are receipted at that time.

Pupils may now bring money to Mrs Quinn in the school hall only at the morning interval. Again they must ensure that they get a receipt. Mrs Quinn will be cooking at other times and not available to handle money. Money for payment should not be brought into the hall during the lunch break while the staff are serving food.