Home Learning Tasks Primary One 23rd June 2020

Good Morning Primary One,

It’s a bit wet outside! I love the rain but not everyone does! If you are going a walk today remember your wellies to go puddle jumping in! πŸ™‚

I am super proud of all the work you have been doing over the past 12 weeks!

Remember you can play sumdog or Teach Your Monster to read as well as these tasks!

Today’s tasks!


Using your flashcards can you practice the different sounds.

If you click on the picture below I have attached the sounds songs.

I’d love to see a video of you practicing your sounds! πŸ™‚


Yesterday, we worked on number formation and they looked good! Today we are going to continue with number formation.

Can you make numbers out of different objects in the house such as toys or cutlery?

I look forward to seeing your pictures!

Expressive arts

Can you roll your dice and make a Picasso?

I would love to see a silly drawing from you!


Can you do all the exercised that your name spells out?

I look forward to seeing your work on SeeSaw!

Love Miss McAtear