This link will take you directly to the SQA Personal Development page with awards specifications, verification information, assessment reports, links to Barclay’s Life Skills and partnership working with My World of Work.
SQA_Personal_Development Leaflet
Assessment Support
Unit assessment supports – these confidential documents contain details of Unit assessment task(s), show approaches to gathering evidence and how the evidence can be judged against the Outcomes and Assessment Standards. They are designed to be as open and flexible as possible. Unit assessment support is held securely and teachers/lecturers can arrange access to these documents through their SQA Co-ordinator. The following is a link to the SQA Secure site:
Wider Achievement units are NQ Units, so subject to the exact same Internal Verification requirements as free-standing Units.
The following IV toolkit equally applies:
Verification support/ documents PDA specific
Gail Whitnall, Castlehead High, approves and externally verifies a number of wider achievement courses. She is happy to provide advice and can be contacted at
Note from SQA: COVID
Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, Professional Development Awards, National Progression Awards, National Certificates, and Skills for Work qualifications
You should have now received information on how to deliver the above qualifications for the rest of session 2019–20.
The changes to the assessment and quality assurance of these qualifications in response to COVID-19 were only possible given the substantial amount of candidate evidence that had already been generated. We are now considering the best approach for delivering these qualifications during session 2020–21. We will focus on three main areas:
1 We will support centres in taking a more integrated approach to assessment and will provide exemplars to help those not currently taking this approach.
2 We will review the changes to conditions of assessment that were allowed during session 2019–20 and will advise which changes will be retained. This should help centres to develop flexible approaches to assessment which will, in turn, support candidates.
3 Our external verification activity will be refined to reflect the integrated assessment model.
We will provide detailed new assessment and verification guidance in time for August 2020. This will supersede the guidance provided in response to COVID-19.
Regulated Qualifications – Working with SQA Accreditation, other regulators, sector and industry bodies, we are also considering what further alternative assessment arrangements will be required for our portfolio of Regulated Qualifications, including Scottish Vocational Qualifications and other licence-to-practise qualifications. We will inform centres of any changes that are required over the coming months.
INISIGHT Information:
SQA_Personal_Development Leaflet
Link to INSIGHT tariff note January 2020:
Tariff Calculator: