School Aims

Following extensive consulatation with pupils, staff, parents, carers and partners of our school community, our new school Vision and Values was established in February 2017. It was determined that Happiness should be at the heart, underpinned by our strong core values:

Happiness is

Having fun Learning at the Heart of our Community, Determined to Achieve.

Like the River Calder, our values run right through our school:

Challenge and creativity


Love and Friendship



Respect, Resilience, Responsibility

Our aim is for all pupils to be happy at school and nursery, enabling them to be successful learners, effective contributors, confident individuals and responsible citizens by:

  • Ensuring the physical and mental wellbeing needs of all are at the heart of all we do, supporting happy and positive relationships in school and in our wider community built on an ethos of
  • Providing a broad, balanced, progressive and coherent learning experience, offering challenge and support within a nurturing and friendly environment where everyone feels welcome, secure and their views valued.
  • To offer a variety of stimulating, creative, and active learning and teaching approaches and experiences to equip all pupils with the enthusiasm, determination, resilience and ambition to achieve essential skills for life.
  • To encourage all learners to explore, appreciate, learn about and respect the environment.
  • To recognise and celebrate continuous learning and wider achievement, encouraging everyone in the school community to self-evaluate and continuously strive improve.


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